SIGMA › Events › High-level dissemination event of the 2019 monitoring report of Serbia and meeting with the Serbian Prime Minister
High-level dissemination event of the 2019 monitoring report of Serbia and meeting with the Serbian Prime Minister
In 2019, the SIGMA Monitoring Report of Serbia focused on two main areas: public service and human resource management (PSHRM), and service delivery. Two dissemination events took place in Belgrade on 2 and 3 October 2019, each with the objective of sharing with a broader audience the key findings in each of these areas, and to discuss the way forward with the key stakeholders.
Gregor Virant, Head of SIGMA, and his team were received by the Prime Minister on 2 October. Pressing issues of public administration reform were discussed, such as recruitment for top managerial positions. SIGMA committed to engage with the Ministry of Public Administration in finding solutions using The Principles of Public Administration. Gregor Virant also presented options for co-operation with the OECD to the Prime Minister, such as the OECD Working Party of Senior Digital Government Officials (e-Leaders) under the Public Governance Committee, the Observatory of Public Sector Innovation and the Observatory of Civic Space. The Prime Minister expressed interest in all of the indicated options for co-operation.
“Serbia has made progress in the area of public administration reform, which, under the rule of law and economic reform, is one of the three key pillars of Serbia's European integration. This report gives us a strong impetus to move on. Serbia knows what the administration needs to become in order for citizens to be convinced at all times that we are here for them, not for us."
Ana Brnabić, Prime Minister of Serbia
On 2 October, the event presenting the report on service delivery was opened by the Prime Minister, Ms. Ana Brnabić, the Minister of Public Administration, Mr. Branko Ružić, and the Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Mr. Sem Fabrizi. The report shows rapid progress in the last two years and an increased satisfaction of citizens and businesses with the quality of services. The Prime Minister expressed satisfaction with the progress captured by the report. Gregor Virant emphasised the key factors of Serbia's achievements: political commitment at the highest level (Prime Minister), an astute approach (emphasis on digitalisation of key registries and their interoperability, understanding the importance of back-office processes, collaborative approach and data exchange, user-centric approach in redesigning processes) and solid capacities in the relevant institutions. Mrs. Annika Uudelepp, SIGMA Senior Policy Adviser, pointed out that Serbia has become the regional leader in the area of service delivery, however there is still room for improvement, particularly in developing a comprehensive policy of service quality and mainstreaming it in all institutions.
"Serbia has achieved very good progress in improving service delivery and it is recognized by citizens and businesses. The strong leadership of the Prime Minister and the IT and E-government office deserves credit. The experience obtained by the successful projects of recent years could be and needs to be extended to other services in the future."
Gregor Virant, Head of SIGMA
On 3 October, the assessment in the area of public service and human resource management (PSHRM) was presented by Mr. Primoz Vehar, also demonstrating steady progress. Serbia has established a sound legislative framework for civil service and HRM. Going forward, the main challenge is effective implementation, development of modern tools (including HRM information systems) and building HRM capacity in all institutions. A pressing issue, strongly highlighted in the assessment report, is the excessive share of »acting directors«, i.e. appointments to the highest-level managerial positions without carrying out open competitions as envisaged by the legislation.
“While we are proud of the achievements in the field of human resources management, we must be realistic and say that more work is needed to implement new solutions, which is in line with SIGMA's recommendations. Such external and independent assessments are important for us to know what activities we need to focus in the coming period.”
Branko Ružić, Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government of Serbia