SIGMA › By Language › Bulgarian
Bulgarian, PDF, 2,485kb
This publication is a follow-up to a seminar that was held in Riga in October 1996 for public officials of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. It comprises a brief description of the highlights of the seminar discussions and the three papers that were prepared for the seminar by experts from Canada, France and the United States.
Bulgarian, PDF, 4,357kb
This publication is the product of a seminar on budgeting and controlling personnel costs which SIGMA organised in March 1996 in Paris. Drawing in particular on the experience of EU Member countries, the seminar enabled participants to compare different types of budgeting and monitoring, their respective advantages and disadvantages, as well as their prerequisites regarding institutions and procedures.
Bulgarian, PDF, 2,941kb
More than ever, the credibility of the government and the acceptance of public policies depends on the degree to which it is open with the media. A relationship that stresses a free flow of information between government and the media is necessary from the inception of a public policy.
Bulgarian, PDF, 13,091kb
This publication focuses on the control mechanisms and procedures that need to be built into an organisation’s systems in order to provide reasonable assurance that top management’s objectives will be met, rather than on the design and application of management information systems, which, we believe, are generally well understood in Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs).
Bulgarian, PDF, 616kb
This publication aims to provide practical input to countries which are conducting the necessary analyses and preparing decisions. Indeed, development of a top management service is a task which must be undertaken in countries choosing to adopt such a service, taking into account national objectives and preconditions.
Bulgarian, PDF, 993kb
This paper provides descriptive data and an analytical overview of approaches to managing conflicts of interest in the public sector of nine European countries — France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom. It also provides some conclusions that are worth taking into account when reforming policies and instruments to improve regulations and practices on conflict of interest.
Bulgarian, PDF, 932kb
This publication deals with impact assessment in a wide sense, including policy analysis (impact assessment for choosing the instrument), assessment of a policy instrument during the drafting stage and evaluation of existing laws or programmes. Special emphasis is given to impact assessment during drafting.
Bulgarian, PDF, 8,627kb
This paper originated in a request from the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic for SIGMA advice in developing new legal provisions for the financial management of public agencies. It highlights the practice and experience of five EU Member States with very different legal systems and administrative structures.
Bulgarian, PDF, 1,093kb
This report examines the use of public opinion surveys as tools to advance administrative reforms in western European countries and central and eastern European countries. The aim is to demonstrate to central and eastern European governments and civil servants the utility of public opinion surveys before, during and after reforms in their countries and to encourage their systematic use.
Bulgarian, PDF, 1,811kb
This report contains the background papers presented at a multi-country meeting on European integration and administrative reform organised in 1997 for senior government officials from twelve central and eastern European countries. It also includes an inventory of how candidate countries plan to manage European integration — as well as ten points which emerged during the panel discussions of senior negotiators.