SIGMA › By Language › Polish
Polish, PDF, 16,752kb
This publication focuses on the control mechanisms and procedures that need to be built into an organisation’s systems in order to provide reasonable assurance that top management’s objectives will be met, rather than on the design and application of management information systems, which, we believe, are generally well understood in Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs).
Polish, Excel, 682kb
Polish version of Governance for Sustainable Development
Polish, PDF, 15,159kb
Polish version of Government of the Future
Polish, PDF, 244kb
This paper attempts to identify the standards to which EU candidate countries are expected to conform in order to align their public administrations with those of EU Member States. Originating from SIGMA’s work on public administration reform in central and eastern European countries, it describes an important part of the basis of the SIGMA methodology for assessing candidate countries’ public administration capacities.
Polish, PDF, 365kb
The study provides a basis for further discussion between decision-makers and practitioners on how the audit regime could be developed to ensure good governance of central banks. It originates from a discussion on important audit issues which was arranged by the European Court of Auditors together with the presidents of supreme audit institutions (SAIs) of central and eastern European countries in 1996.
Polish, PDF, 931kb
This report draws on the separate country papers which describe in more detail the different experiences of selected national State audit institutions in their co-operation with the Commission’s services and the European Court of Auditors (ECA). The present publication complements SIGMA Paper No. 19 on the impact of accession on budgeting and financial control.
Polish, PDF, 1,123kb
This report draws on the separate country papers which describe in more detail the different experiences of selected national State audit institutions in their co-operation with the Commission’s services and the European Court of Auditors (ECA). The present publication complements SIGMA Paper No. 20 on the impact of accession on external audit.