SIGMA › By Language › Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian
Serbian, PDF, 319kb
Contracting authorities may argue that the least expensive offer ensures the achievement of the important financial goal of budgetary savings. Read more.
Serbian, PDF, 360kb
This procurement brief explains what the life-cycle costing methodology means and the advantages of using this approach. It highlights the key provisions in the Public Procurement EU Directive that set out the legal framework for taking life-cycle costs into account in the various stages of the procurement process.
Serbian, PDF, 346kb
This procurement brief describes measures at the EU level aimed at ensuring that contracting authorities take full advantage of the potential of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in their procurement activities.
Serbian, PDF, 318kb
This brief provides an overview of the market analysis process in public procurement undertaken by a contracting authority to collect information to assist the authority in defining its procurement requirements, by selecting the most appropriate tender method, analysing and evaluating bids, and determining the outcome of the most economically advantagious tender.
Serbian, PDF, 290kb
This brief presents the new EU public procurement Directive (2014/23/EU) on award of concession contracts. The Directive is part of a recently adopted EU legislative package reforming the EU public procurement rules. A separate procurement brief (No. 30) focuses on the 2014 Public Sector Directive and the 2014 Utilities Directive.
Serbian, PDF, 418kb
This brief gives a short overview of the issue of common errors in public procurement. For the purposes of the brief, errors are understood as infringements of public procurement rules and principles, regardless of the stage of the procedure. It analyses the types of errors and their impact on the results of the public procurement procedure.
Serbian, PDF, 764kb
This procurement brief sets out the major changes incorporated into the 2014 public sector and utilities directives. The brief is not intended to provide an exhaustive analysis of all of the changes. A separate procurement brief (No. 31) focuses on the Concessions Directive 2014/23/EU.
Serbian, PDF, 354kb
This brief gives an overview of EU requirements concerning monitoring, the purpose and role of monitoring as well as types of monitoring. Finally, the Brief gives examples of monitoring in European Union member states.
Serbian, PDF, 416kb
This brief aims to give guidance to auditors dealing with public procurement processes. Based on audit experience, it examines the stages that are worth looking at and explains why. It highlights those aspects that are recommended to be considered in more detail. It also gives advice as to which documents the auditor is suggested to scrutinise in order to find evidence.
Serbian, PDF, 398kb
This brief analyses these key central public procurement functions and the existing structural models in the European Union Member States. It also gives an overview of the potential assets and shortcomings of functions carried out by central public procurement structures.