SIGMA › By Language › Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian
Bosnian, PDF, 332kb
This brief focuses on three specific modern types of procurement tools: framework agreements, electronic auctions and dynamic purchasing systems. EU Member States have the option of deciding whether or not to implement provisions permitting these procurement tools.
Bosnian, PDF, 376kb
This brief gives an overview of the main competitive procedures available for contracting authorities under EU law. The Brief gives guidance on choosing which procedure to use, presenting good practice and examples. Finally, it gives a summary on the derogations from the obligation to publish a contract notice and use a competitive process.
Albanian, PDF, 329kb
This brief gives an overview of the main competitive procedures available for contracting authorities under EU law. The Brief gives guidance on choosing which procedure to use, presenting good practices and examples. Finally, it gives a summary on the derogations from the obligation to publish a contract notice and use a competitive process.
Bosnian, PDF, 371kb
This brief presents the key principles governing the process of evaluation of tenders, the role and operation of an evaluation panel, the clarification process as well as the choice of the best tender on the basis of the lowest price and the choice of the best tender on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender criterion. The Brief also includes good practice notes and practical examples.
Bosnian, PDF, 349kb
The Directives limit the award criteria to either the lowest-price criterion or the most economically advantageous tender criterion. This brief explains the lowest-price criterion and which methods can be used to identify the most economically advantageous tender. It also provides a checklist for defining the overall strategy concerning the award criteria.
Bosnian, PDF, 339kb
This brief gives an overview about the relevant rules of Public Procurement Directives which significantly limit a contracting authority’s discretion in this area. It also provides a checklist of the main points that should be addressed when defining the overall strategy for the selection of economic operators.
English, PDF, 363kb
This brief provides the reader with guidance on where and when notices for contracts subject to the European Union public procurement Directives must be advertised. It also provides information on other methods of keeping the market informed. It gives guidance on the correction of contract notices which contain incorrect information, on how to complete and dispatch contract notices electronically, and special rules for Utilities.
Bosnian, PDF, 280kb
The EU Public Procurement Directives only apply to contracts of a value that meet or exceed the relevant EU financial threshold. This brief aims to increase understanding of what principles apply to the calculation of financial thresholds and of the value of individual contracts.
Bosnian, PDF, 374kb
The EU Public Procurement Directives cover three main types of contracts: works, supplies and services including design contests. This brief gives an overview of these different types of contracts, and contract classification as well as exemptions from the scope of the Directives.
Bosnian, PDF, 298kb
The public procurement Directives only apply if a body is a contracting authority within the definition of the Directives. This brief gives guidance on the notion of a contracting authority/entity under the directives (especially the concept of “a body governed by public law”). It also analyses whether a contracting authority can participate in joint purchasing or central purchasing.