SIGMA › By Language › Ukrainian
Ukrainian, PDF, 2,880kb
SIGMA completed the baseline assessment of public administration in Ukraine against the Principles of Public Administration, which was conducted on the request of the Minister of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Ukrainian, PDF, 2,012kb
The SIGMA Strategy Toolkit provides an insight into the concepts and practical aspects of the development and implementation of PAR strategies and proposes tools, templates and examples for practitioners.
Ukrainian, PDF, 2,733kb
SIGMA Paper No. 54 provides a comparative analysis of the working relationships between supreme audit institutions and parliaments in the European Union (EU) and EU Accession countries. The paper describes the expectations for such relationships and the factors that influence them, and provides examples and guidance to support the development of effective working relationships.
Ukrainian, PDF, 1,699kb
This paper provides a comparative analysis of the regulatory impact assessment (RIA) systems in place in Western Balkan administrations, showing how they have been used in policy making and EU law transposition. The regulatory and methodological frameworks, institutional set-ups and arrangements for RIA and EU law harmonisation have been analysed to identify strengths and weaknesses and share good practice.
English, PDF, 2,510kb
This paper provides a detailed analysis of EU acquis requirements for national regulatory agencies. Recommendations for better organisation of public administration are provided, based on the empirical analysis and lessons learned from SIGMA experience.
Ukrainian, PDF, 1,452kb
Ukrainian version of SIGMA Paper 62. This Paper provides a comparative analysis of the implementation of laws on administrative procedure adopted recently in five Western Balkan administrations. It offers practical experiences from the Western Balkans as well as from EU and OECD member countries that can be used to further enhance the functioning of the administration.
Ukrainian, PDF, 2,267kb
The Paper analyses the state of play regarding managerial accountability in the Western Balkans based on the Principles of Public Administration. Managerial accountability means both a clear focus on performance and compliance with rules.
Ukrainian, PDF, 666kb
This brief provides a description of the main institutional models implemented in member states of the EU and highlights the key requirements provided in the EU Directives and relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the EU. It also addresses aspects of good practice.
Ukrainian, PDF, 544kb
This brief explains the rationale for measuring performance in public procurement, the benefits of effective performance management and also gives guidance on how to measure performance. Finally, it sets out some examples of methodologies which could be used to determine performance at different levels of the public procurement system.
Ukrainian, PDF, 510kb
This brief gives an overview of EU requirements concerning monitoring, the purpose and role of monitoring as well as types of monitoring. Finally, the Brief gives examples of monitoring in European Union member states.