Armenia and SIGMA


Armenian flag


Status: EU Neighbourhood country
Capital City: Yerevan
Population: 3.1 million
Currency: Armenian dram (AMD)


In November 2017, a new Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between the European Union and Armenia was signed. The Agreement provides a framework for strengthening and deepening co-operation between the EU and Armenia. Public administration reform (PAR), including developing an accountable, efficient, transparent and professional civil service, is identified as one of the key areas of domestic reforms.

In May 2019, SIGMA published a Baseline Measurement Report, a comprehensive review and assessment of the horizontal areas of public administration in Armenia, based on the Principles of Public Administration for ENP countries.

The work programme agreed in November 2022 provides assistance to the Government with implementation of the recommendations of the Baseline Measurement Report. This includes co-operation with:

  • The Government of Armenia on putting in place a PAR co-ordination, management and monitoring framework, and on supporting implementation of selected PAR strategy activities.

  • The Civil Service Office on implementing civil service reform, including possible amendments to the legislation.

  • The Audit Chamber on implementing its strategic development plan, in particular related to the legal framework and communication strategy.

  • The Ministry of Finance on developing the new Public Financial Management Strategy concerning internal/external audit and procurement; on developing financial inspection and internal audit; and, on implementing the Action Plan for the development of the procurement system.



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Country co-ordination


Baseline Measurement Report 2019 I In Armenian

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EU relations with Armenia

EU Delegation to Armenia

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Blanca Lazaro

Country manager
Tel: +33 1 45 24 93 94  

SIGMA staff member Blanca Lazaro

Angelique Dartagnan

Project Co-ordinator
Tel: +33 1 45 24 79 92  

SIGMA staff member Angelique Dartagnan



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