Azerbaijan and SIGMA


Azerbaijan flag


Status: EU Neighbourhood country
Capital City: Baku
Population: 9.8 million
Currency: Azerbaijanian manat (AZN)


EU relations with Azerbaijan are based on the EU-Azerbaijan Partnership and Co-operation Agreement in force since 1999. Negotiations on a new and upgraded framework agreement designed to reflect the enhanced and mutually beneficial EU-Azerbaijan co-operation in a wide range of areas, strengthen policy dialogue in key sectors and boost trade, are at an advanced stage.

The EU-Azerbaijan Partnership Priorities reflect the values and principles of the European Neighbourhood Policy.

SIGMA, the EC and the Azerbaijani authorities agreed a work programme in December 2022 that gives priority to co-operating with:



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EU relations with Azerbaijan

EU Delegation to Azerbaijan

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Piotr-Nils Gorecki

Country manager
Tel: +33 1 45 24 79 93 

SIGMA staff member Piotr Nils Gorecki


Maria Dolzhenko

Project Co-ordinator
Tel: +33 1 45 24 13 01 

SIGMA staff member Maria Dolzhenko


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