Montenegro and SIGMA


Montenegro flag


Status: EU candidate
Capital City: Podgorica
Population: 0.6 million
Currency: Euro


Montenegro signed a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) in 2007 and was granted EU candidate status in 2010. The accession negotiations with Montenegro started in 2012. To date, 33 negotiating chapters in the EU accession process have been opened, of which three have been provisionally closed. 

SIGMA is currently working with:

  • The General Secretariat of the Government on implementing medium-term work programmes of ministries and on establishing the strategic planning system.

  • The Ministry of Public Administration on co-ordinating and monitoring the implementation of the PAR Strategy, on enhancing the quality of public consultations, on strengthening user-centric service delivery across the public administration, on developing internal IT audit in the public sector and on improving the functioning of local self-government and inter-municipal co-operation.


Publications, data

Related links


Country co-ordination


Monitoring Report 2021 I Executive Summary I All 2021 Reports

The Principles of Public Administration Data Portal: Montenegro


Enlargement strategy and reports

Publications in Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian (BCS)

More publications


EU relations with Montenegro

EU Delegation to Montenegro

News on Montenegro

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Events calendar


Bianca Brétéché

Country manager
Tel: +33 1 45 24 82 65 

SIGMA staff member Bianca Breteche

Ilana Demal

Project Co-ordinator
Tel: +33 1 45 24 15 82 

SIGMA staff member Ilana Demal



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