Republic of North Macedonia and SIGMA


Republic of North Macedonia flag


Status: EU candidate
Capital City: Skopje
Population: 2.1 million
Currency: Macedonian denar (MKD)


The country has had candidate status to EU membership since 2005, and has been working with the European Commission through a High-Level Accession Dialogue since 2011. In 2022, the EU opened formal accession negotiations with North Macedonia which marks the start of a new phase of the EU-North Macedonia relationship.

Presently, SIGMA is working with:

  • The Ministry of Information Society and Administration on developing the new PAR Strategy for 2023-2030 and establishment of a monitoring system on reform implementation through provision of methodological advice and guidance, and on improving the quality of policy proposals by strengthening the central quality control and oversight of regulatory impact assessment and public consultation.

  • The Ministry of Information Society and Administration on supporting the reorganisation of administration, creation of a top managerial service and further implementation of the Law on General Administrative Procedures and improving the quality of public services through strengthening legislation on digital services and new eID.

  • The General Secretariat of the Government on improving the quality of government strategic policy planning and reporting by strengthening capacities to implement the new guidelines and methodology on sector strategies, and on improving the existing legislation and regulations on strategic planning.

  • The Ministry of Finance on the implementation of the new Public Financial Management Reform Programme for 2022-2025, strengthening the Fiscal Strategy of the medium-term budget, capacity building and . legislative changes to local government financing.

  • The Ministry of Finance and the Public Procurement Bureau on developing the regulatory and methodological framework for implementation of the new legislation on the public procurement system and providing capacity-building support to the central public procurement institutions.


Publications, data

Related links


Country co-ordination





Monitoring Report 2021 I Executive Summary I All 2021 Reports

The Principles of Public Administration Data Portal: Republic of North Macedonia


Enlargement strategy and reports

Publications in Macedonian

More publications


EU opens accession negotiations with the Republic of North Macedonia (Council conclusions, 25 March 2020)

EU relations with the Republic of North Macedonia

EU Delegation to the
Republic of North Macedonia

News on the Republic of North Macedonia

More countries


Events calendar


Bagrat Tunyan

Country Manager
Tel: +33 1 45 24 92 64 

SIGMA staff member Bagrat Tunyan

Esmeralda Borja

Project Co-ordinator
Tel: +33 1 45 24 10 56 


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