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Russian, PDF, 287kb
This brief aims to give guidance to auditors dealing with public procurement processes. Based on audit experience, it examines the stages that are worth looking at and explains why. It highlights those aspects that are recommended to be considered in more detail. It also gives advice as to which documents the auditor is suggested to scrutinise in order to find evidence.
Russian, PDF, 758kb
Brief No. 24 focuses on the issue of whether it is permitted under EU law to use an official automatic exclusion list for reasons related to prior contract performance, especially in the light of the newest judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union (case C 465/11).
Russian, PDF, 712kb
This brief provides a description of the main institutional models implemented in member states of the EU and highlights the key requirements provided in the EU Directives and relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the EU. It also addresses aspects of good practice.
Russian, PDF, 617kb
This brief gives an overview of EU requirements concerning monitoring, the purpose and role of monitoring as well as types of monitoring. Finally, the Brief gives examples of monitoring in European Union member states.
Russian, PDF, 553kb
This brief analyses these key central public procurement functions and the existing structural models in the European Union Member States. It also gives an overview of the potential assets and shortcomings of functions carried out by central public procurement structures.
Russian, PDF, 7,481kb
The purpose of this Paper is to provide a reference book and a training manual for public administrators in the transitional economies, and in particular for officials with budgeting and policy making responsibilities. This is a follow-up to the SIGMA multi-country seminar held in Ljubljana in April 1996.
Russian, PDF, 2,833kb
This publication is a tool for designers of new civil service pension schemes in Central and Eastern Europe. It presents civil service pension schemes in five OECD Member countries and ten Central and Eastern European countries.
Russian, PDF, 575kb
This publication presents the steps in the policy process for assessing and developing the role of ministries in the policy process, as well as insights on how the policy process is currently organised in Western Balkan countries.
Russian, PDF, 1,071kb
The European Commission requested SIGMA to carry out a study on the regulatory management capacities of the ten countries that joined the EU on 1 May 2004 to learn more about their Better Regulation practices, exchange good practices and make suggestions for further improvements.
Russian, PDF, 1,120kb
This paper examines the fate of civil service reforms that Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries undertook to prepare themselves for the EU accession that took place in May 2004 (5th EU enlargement).