Strategic framework of public administration reform


‌Achieving the necessary standard of public administration requires reforms in many areas of policy and administration. When planned and implemented on a fragmented and ad hoc basis, reforms may not transform the governance system and overall functioning of public administration as expected. Public administration reform (PAR) is also considered fundamental to the accession process by the EU - it is one of three key reform pillars, along with rule of law and economic governance. 

An overall vision and prioritised objectives, which guide and co-ordinate reform implementation, are required in order to achieve results. It is therefore important to approach PAR realistically, sequentially and in a coherently-planned way, with a whole-of-government perspective.

Well-managed PAR requires that:

  • The leadership of reforms is established and coherent, and commonly understood reform objectives are set.

  • There is a clear strategic framework in place that enables prioritisation of reforms and realistic planning of their implementation.

  • The financial sustainability of reforms is ensured.

  • The management of reforms  has a holistic perspective, determines the accountability for implementation and ensures the necessary implementation capacity.

SIGMA assists governments in:

  • Designing and implementing PAR policy and programmes, including setting priorities, involving key stakeholders, sequencing actions and costing reforms.

  • Establishing the institutions and strengthening the capacities required to oversee, execute and monitor progress of reforms.

  • Reviewing existing strategic and management arrangements, diagnosing the main challenges and providing guidance in scoping and prioritising PAR.



Get in touch with our team leader

Bagrat Tunyan | Senior Policy Advisor
Strategic framework of public administration reform
Tel: +33 (0) 1 45 24 92 64 -

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 Credit to the TEN network and WeBER project



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